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This book debunks the idea that failure is bad and should be avoided at all costs. The simple truth is you should strive to fail in the pursuit of a great life.  In this way, all the things you learn become what you appreciate throughout the journey.


Drawing on his own failures – beginning at High School and repeating between successful (and not so successful) ventures – Brett McCallum takes you on an optimistic and personal journey that’s a must read for all ages.


This book chronicles decades of entrepreneurial experience, as well as practical steps to take, so you too can Embrace the Fail to maximise your success. 


Brett also shares the life lessons of his heroes: nine of the last century’s greatest successes in business, music and sport, who all used failure to bounce higher than anyone else.


Failing has never looked so good!


This book proves that it’s the way you bounce back after a failure that will determine your level of success, and help you find your ultimate purpose. Are you ready to Embrace the Fail?


"The thing I admire about Brett’s brilliance, is that he doesn’t even know he has it…another great book of insightful and passionate words that help you to know you are on the right track, even when the track seems like a big mess of fallen trees! Wonderful and I highly recommend...”  Trevor, Indiebook Reviewer


“You can not find fault in this book, even the worst failing has a systematic understanding of success built into it… Great work, and worth reading a hundred times over, if you are serious about failing… Well done..”  Mitchell, Indiebook Reviewer.

Embrace The Fail | Second Edition


    © 2019 by Brett McCallum. Proudly created by BSMC

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